
1999 First research project on Listed Private Equity
2003 Consolidation of research projects at the University of Basel, Department of Finance, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann
2004 Foundation of LPX AG and launch of the LPX Listed Private Equity Index Series
2005 Launch of the first index tracker certificate on the LPX Major Market by ABN Amro (today BNP Paribas)
2006 Launch of the first exchange-traded fund (ETF) on the LPX50
2007 Launch of the NMX infrastructure Index Series
2008 Launch of the first exchange-traded funds on NMX index series by EasyETF (today BNP Paribas)
2009 Launch of the PPF – LPActive Value Fund
2015 Launch of the PPF II – Global Infrastructure Network Fund
2016 More than CHF 1 billion in assets across different investment strategies
2017 Granted the Swiss FINMA license as an Asset Manager of Collective Investment Schemes
2019 Benchmark Administrator listed in the ESMA Register under Article 32 of the EU Benchmark Regulation
2021 Launch of the DLX Direct Lending Index
2022 More than CHF 2 billion in assets across different investment strategies