The LPX Listed Private Equity Index (LPX) Series were launched in 2004 on the basis of exchange-traded private equity companies. The indices allowed first and foremost for representative benchmarking of the private equity asset class. Today, the LPX Listed Private Equity (LPX) Index Series serve as standard performance benchmarks for the private equity asset class and enable detailed performance measurement, efficient risk management and liquid access to the private equity asset class via index-linked financial products.
Based on a global universe of listed private equity companies, the LPX Listed Private Equity Index (LPX) Series are modularly structured to ensure optimal benchmarking. A proprietary industry classification scheme ensures transparency and comparability and thus a representative composition of the indices. The LPX Listed Private Equity Index (LPX) Series are divided into the following three modules:
- Size/Liquidity: LPX50, LPX Composite, LPX Major Market
- Regions: LPX America, LPX Europe, LPX UK
- Private Equity Investment Styles: LPX Buyout, LPX Direct, LPX Indirect, LPX Mezzanine, LPX Venture
The LPX Listed Private Equity Index (LPX) Series are designed to reflect the entire spectrum of the private equity investment universe. The differentiation by region and private equity investment styles allows the use of the LPX indices as representative benchmarks for the private equity asset class. The LPX indices are market capitalisation-weighted stock indices. The index design ensures the compliance with diversification standards and regulatory requirements. The LPX Listed Private Equity Index (LPX) Series are calculated and disseminated in real-time to a broad array of data vendors. The LPX indices are also available on a customized basis to meet specific customer needs.